Winning in the VUCA world with Design Thinking
One thing that last year has confirmed to us: the world around us is moving at an ever-greater speed. It is a world in constant change in which unpredictable events happen at ever closer rates over time. It is a VUCA world! The covid-19 pandemic is the latest in...
What if it’s a movie? – The critical management themes explained with TV series and films – Human-centric Leadership
Here is a new blog from the “What if it’s a movie” series. This newcomer piece is inspired by one of the hottest topics in the management landscape: leadership and what being a leader means in today’s context. In particular, I'd like to talk about one specific kind of...
People Friendly Policy: Successful internal policies with a human-centered approach
In today’s fast-changing world, the traditional top-down approach to policymaking has proven ineffective and is leaving in its wake great compliance issues, limited benefits and dissatisfied employees. In this context, human-centered internal policies can be the real...
Make the most of your projects with workshops
In my exploration of Human-Centered Design in the Procurement function, it's now time to explore how to make the most of your projects with workshops, which are the top tool designers use. In the past blogs, I’ve introduced the possible applications of Human-Centered...
The “Stakeholder whisperer”: effective stakeholder management for successful projects!
“There are 10,000 of them. There's one of me. It’s impossible to pay attention to all of them!” I’ve now forgotten how many times I’ve heard a Procurement manager saying this! If you’re a Procurement Manager, I bet that you’ve said this at least once in your life!...
Be the protagonist of the show! – Lessons learnt from my first boss
The first time I met him, he was at his desk in his office. I was a young university student trying to land an internship at one of the most renowned FMCG companies, and he was the said company Finance Manager. I eventually landed that internship which would later...
Policies by design – 5 steps to improve your internal policies management
Several policies and procedures rule life in a corporate environment. They come in all colours and shapes: ranging from the purchase of stationery to more complex matters such as how to handle corporate travel. Some policies have only internal relevance and affect...
Make the difference with services procurement
Services represent a growing cost category for many organizations, yet they’re not always appropriately managed when it comes to their procurement. They are a very vast and varied category ranging from Professional Services, to Business Travel and Fleet, including...
The dawn of a new Procurement – Reignite your business with a partnership for growth
Those who work in the world of Procurement have or have had a particular supplier. That Supplier with whom you can talk about everything, who supports you and advises you when you‘re out of your depth and who builds with you (the Client) the best solution for a...
What if it’s a movie? – The critical management themes explained with TV series and films – Collaboration in the workplace
Here is a new blog from the “What if it’s a movie” series. In this case inspired by one of the significant and increasingly current themes in the organizational field: collaboration in the workplace between different functions and departments. As you may have already...